The War days of May 1940
Friday 10th May.
- German aircraft flying over.
- Towards the evening the first Dutch troops were retreating.
- The wooden hotel and the houses on the dyke were evacuated.
Saturday 11th May.
- The hotel, the fuel station and the houses were set on fire or demolished.
- Food supplies were brought in and the drinking water from Friesland was cut off.
- Military engineers lay landmines in the area to create a blockade.
Sunday 12th May
- Germans in Stavoren.
- The installation was bombarded with machine-gun fire and fire bombs.
- The bridge was opened and blown up.
- The first contact with the enemy, three Germans on a motorcycle with sidecar.
Monday 13th May
- 14.00 a German reconnaissance plane.
- At 17.20 the Germans started an artillery bombardment from the direction of the
IJsselmeerdijk at Cornwerd. - At about 18.00 a Group of German storm troops approached.
- When they were 800 meters from the position at Kornwerderzand, Captain Boers
gave the order to open fire. - The German loses were limited to only a few soldiers.
Tuesday 14th May.
- The Gunboat Hr. Ms. Johan Maurits van Nassau silenced the German guns.
After the bombardment on Rotterdam, the Dutch Army surrendered.
The German Occupation
At first the Germans were not very interested in the installation and it served as a guarded crossing and control post. There were coastguards posted there and German Military Border police. When the Germans started to lose the War (defeat at El Alamein and Stalingrad.) The installation was fully manned in 1943. Three casemates were added , fitted with 5 cm anti-tank guns, emplacement for air target artillery and three guard posts. The wooden machine gun seats replaced the Dutch sand bags.
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The Nato time
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